Jessica Hull, LMT #15474
Massage is not just a luxury: its a health benefit.

Description of Various Massages

What are the various massages about?


Swedish Massage:

Swedish Massage feels good, is relaxing and invigorating.  The therapist uses smooth gliding stokes with firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension.  It stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable.  When done on a regular basis, it reduces both emotional and physical stress.  Swedish Massage affects the nerves, muscles, glands and circulation, while promoting health and well being.


Deep Tissue Massage:

Deep Tissue Massage focuses on realigning the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.  The massage strokes are slower and the pressure is deeper, more concentrated on areas of tension and pain.  Where there is chronic muscle tension or injury, usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) have formed in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments causing inflammation, pain, blocked circulation, limited movement.  Deep Tissue Massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement.


doTERRA Aroma Touch Therapy

doTERRA Aroma Touch Therapy was created to address four systemic constants: stress, toxic insult, inflammatory response and autonomic imbalance.  It uses doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils which have been recognized as the most therapeutic oils in the world.  The eight different doTERRA oils, which are applied systematically with very light pressure, were selected for their specific individual therapeutic benefits and aroma.  This specific modality enhances essential oil activity; stimulates known body meridian and energy zones while balancing body systems and function.  It also helps the body return to a state of balance/homeostasis which in turn allows the body to start healing itself.


Stone Massage:

Basalt rocks are a fine-grained, silky volcanic rock recommended for Stone Massage.  They are natural carriers of magnetic iron which enables them to retain heat for extended periods of time.  The warmth of the hot stones improves circulation and calms the nervous system which increases therapeutic benefits and lasting results.  The stones are strategically placed for heating the muscles and are often used by the therapist for massaging.  The heat warms and relaxes the muscles, which allows the therapist to apply either deeper pressure/work or lighter pressure/work depending on the clients preference.   


Cranio Sacral Therapy:

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the cranio sacral system which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.  Using a soft touch, practitioners release restrictions in the cranio sacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.  Cranio Sacral Therapy complements the body's natural healing processes.


Massages are customized to your needs.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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